This wiki is archived from 2021-09-05

Use Enemy Teleporter

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Use Enemy Teleporter

One of the features I've been looking at reworking is the original use enemy teleporter mechanic that allowed players to send units back through an enemy teleporter.

The main issue has always been unit weapons auto targeting the teleporter they are trying to use typically destroying the enemy teleporter before they can use it.

The partial workaround was to set weapons stance to hold fire and that is suboptimal when under fire by enemy units often coming through the enemy teleporter and once through the enemy teleporter where you want units attacking.

Intuitive Usage

The ideal usage is that units attempting to use an enemy teleporter do not auto target that enemy teleporter and once through the enemy telepoter do not auto target the linked enemy teleporter allowing more units to flow through.

This should be cancelled by any explicit attack command on the enemy teleporters.

The default right click action for enemy teleporters should still be attack.