This wiki is archived from 2021-09-05

New game user interface scene

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Planetary Annihilation New Game User Interface Scene

Path: /ui/main/game/new_game/

Scene name: New Game

Server script state: /server-script/states/lobby.js

The new_game user interface is loaded when:

  • host creates a new game
  • player or spectator joins a game in the lobby state

Server mods are now managed in the connect to game scene like players and spectators.

Preventing the need for a host refresh

When a host creates a new game the user interface is displayed before any server mods are loaded requiring a host refresh to load any updated user interface provided by a server mod.

A refresh can be triggered by the host using any of the following:

  • manual refresh (default binding of F5)
  • navigating to another user interface scene eg load_planet when selecting a system

The current approach to avoid the need for a host refresh is:

  • include the new game modifications in both the server mod and a dependent client mod
  • check if the client mod has already been loaded
  • check if the server mod has actually loaded
  • load any assets manually using loadCss, loadHtml, etc (to prevent double loading if specified in modinfo scenes.new_game)

Note: This may change when side loading of companion client mods is implemented.

server modinfo.json snippet

    "identifier": "",
    "context": "server",

client modinfo.json snippet

    "identifier": "",
    "context": "client",

shared new_game.js snippet

var myUniqueModNameLoaded;

function myUniqueModName()
    if ( myUniqueModNameLoaded )

    myUniqueModNameLoaded = true;

    model.myUniqueModNameServerModIsLoaded = ko.observable( false );
    model.myUniqueModNameIsHost = ko.computed( function()
        return model.isGameCreator() && model.myUniqueModNameServerModIsLoaded();

    model.myUniqueModNameServerModCheckLoaded = function()
        api.mods.getMountedMods( 'server', function ( mods )

// check to see if server mod (and optionally a dev version) are loaded

            var loaded = _.intersection( _.pluck( mods, 'identifier' ), [ '', '' ] ).length > 0;
            model.myUniqueModNameServerModIsLoaded( loaded );

// once mod data is sent check if server mod is actually loaded
    if ( window.scene_server_mod_list && window.scene_server_mod_list.new_game )
        var server_mod_info_updated_handler = handlers.server_mod_info_updated;
        handlers.server_mod_info_updated = function( payload )
            server_mod_info_updated_handler( payload );
    model.myUniqueModNameServerModIsLoaded.subscribe( function( myUniqueModNameServerModIsLoaded )
        if ( myUniqueModNameServerModIsLoaded )
 // do mod stuff

    model.myUniqueModNameServerModIsHost.subscribe( function( myUniqueModNameServerModIsHost )
        if ( myUniqueModNameServerModIsHost )
 // do mod stuff if host or became host if host left

catch (e)

My personal preference is a named function in preference to an immediately-invoked function expression (IIFE).

This approach will create the following:

  • window.myUniqueModNameLoaded - can be used by other mods to check for conflicts with client mod
  • model.myUniqueModNameServerModIsLoaded() - can be used by other mods to check if server mod is loaded