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Command-line options

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Using command-line options via Steam (client only)

If you running game using Steam you can pass command line options to game client following instruction on Steam support website [1].

List of client command-line options

 --ticket                 : UberNet session ticket
 --ubernetdev             : connect to ubernet dev instead of ubernet live
 --ubernet-url            : connect to ubernet via explicit url (e.g. localhost)
 --devmode                : enable dev only features
 --server-debug-port      : enable server debug with port
 --username               : override username
 --nofeatures             : turn off features
 --nomouselock            : turn off mouse lock
 --forwardlogs            : forward engine logs to ui.
 --audiologging           : log audio events in the console.
 --audioprofiler          : allows fmod to connect to an external profiler.
 --audionetmix            : allows fmod to respond to external connections from the design software.
 --colormips              : displays color-codes for loaded texture mip levels.
 --log-threshold          : set logging level [1 : LOG_Test , LOG_Trace : 6]
 --software-ui            : render ui without using gpu
 --no-audio               : disable all audio
 --coherent_port          : Coherent debugger port
 --localstorageurl        : local storage url
 --uioptions              : optional data sent to the ui on start
 --nomods                 : disable loading and mounting of mod folders
 --steam                  : attempt to initialize the Steam API
 --forcefullscreen        : lock display mode to fullscreen
 --local-server           : path to local server executable
 --matchmaking-url        : connect to matchmaking via explicit url (e.g. localhost)
 --no-content             : disable all extra content support
 --list-errors            : show a list of the registered fatal errors
 --simulate-error         : simulate the fatal error with the given code
 --profile-until-main-menu : create an uberprobe up until the main menu starts executing JavaScript.
 --content-dev            : Assume development directory structure and use content from Perforce root.
 --uiurl                  : url for custom ui.
 --shaderurl              : url for custom shaders.
 --scripturl              : url for server scripts, for local server development.
 --paurl                  : [DEPRECATED] url for custom content json.
 --coherent-log-level     : Set coherent logging level [TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARNING|ASSERTFAILURE|ERROR|]
 --coherent-options       : pass options to the Coherent host
 --disable-ui-cache       : never return 304 Not Modified to Coherent
 --help -h                : Prints the list of command line options
 --gl-debug               : set OpenGL context debug flags
 --gl-debug-verbose       : log NOTIFICATION level debug output from OpenGL
 --gl-vendor              : Override the GL_VENDOR string
 --gl-force-enable-capabilities : Comma separated list of capabilities that are forced ON.
 --gl-force-disable-capabilities : Comma separated list of capabilities that are forced OFF.
 --gl-force-mrt-srgb-capable : Force proper MRT sRGB blending capability.

List of server command-line options

 --log-network-traffic    : Log network traffic to given file
 --http                   : Enables http server
 --ubernet-url            : Sets UberNet service url
 --monitor-url            : Sets UberNet monitor service url
 --ubernet-secret         : Sets UberNet secret key for server to server calls
 --lobby-id               : Sets the UberNet lobby id
 --server-id              : Sets the UberNet server id
 --build-id               : Set the build id
 --output-dir             : Specify directory to write log files, replays, etc.
 --headless               : Server will not create a window
 --debug-landing-zones    : Server will give players all landing zones generated and disable the force landing timer
 --test-config            : Use a very simple test system config
 --game-mode              : Sets the current game mode.
 --allow-cheats           : Server will allow clients to cheat.
 --allow-lan              : Server will allow enable lan messages.
 --load-replay            : Replay file to load at startup.
 --no-players             : Run the server without waiting for any players.  (AI only.)
 --no-waiting             : Do not wait for time passage, user connections, or anything that would slow down the server.
 --no-throttle            : Do not throttle the sim tick even if it is running slowly.
 --time-limit             : Maximum time limit for running the sim, in sim time seconds.
 --log-threshold          : set logging level [1 : LOG_Test , LOG_Trace : 6]
 --allow-crash-api        : Allow access to /api/crash and /api/die.
 --enable-crash-reporting : Report server crashes
 --disable-replays        : Don't save replays, even if you specify --output-dir.
 --port -p                : Listen on port [1-65535]
 --matchmaking-url        : connect to matchmaking via explicit url (e.g. localhost)
 --debug-port             : Set up v8 debugger on port [1-65535]
 --content-dev            : Assume development directory structure and use content from Perforce root.
 --scripturl              : url for server scripts.
 --paurl                  : [DEPRECATED] url for custom content json.
 --neuralnetdatadir       : Sets the neural network data directory.
 --ai-log                 : Enables AI logging.
 --no-ai                  : Prevents ticking of AI armies.
 --neural-learnrate       : Sets neural network learning rate.
 --neural-momentum        : Sets neural network momentum rate.
 --help -h                : Prints the list of command line options
 --gl-debug               : set OpenGL context debug flags
 --gl-debug-verbose       : log NOTIFICATION level debug output from OpenGL
 --gl-vendor              : Override the GL_VENDOR string
 --gl-force-enable-capabilities : Comma separated list of capabilities that are forced ON.
 --gl-force-disable-capabilities : Comma separated list of capabilities that are forced OFF.
 --gl-force-mrt-srgb-capable : Force proper MRT sRGB blending capability.

Command-line options of Coherent UI

Coherent UI is based on Chromium and it's will accept most of it's command line switches [2]. For most of players they are useless, but some may help you to improve game performance.