This wiki is archived from 2021-09-05

Fatal error "basil"

From Planetary Annihilation: TITANS and Classic PA Wiki
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File:Titans-icon.png Fatal Error "basil"

File:Platinum-rank-icon.png Description

Upon starting PA, a grey box appears with the text

 Planetary Annihilation encountered a fatal error:
 Unexpected failure when initializing user interface subsystem.
 Error code: basil
 You can use the error code to search out knowledgebase at
 or contact [email protected] and include the error code in your message.

The PA logs will contain:

 ERROR Caught exception when constructing CoherentUI - locale::facet::_S_create_c_locale name not valid

File:Gold-rank-icon.png Solution

The crash is due to an unknown locale setting.

Setting the environment variable to LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 will fix this.

If using Steam then right click on PA > properties > launch parameters > LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 %command%

If using the stand alone version it depends on your desktop environment.

Edit your shortcut to PA to include LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 before the executable or add to environment variables if that is an option.